Apologetics: Presuppositional Apologetics

[It’ll be well worth your time to watch all three videos.]

Professor Oliphint prefers the term “covenantal apologetics,” and I agree. “Presuppositional apologetics” is not a particularly helpful term, but it is the term popularly used.

Here’s the idea: ultimately, the truth of scripture and the claims of Christianity are axiomatic for Christians. We can refute arguments against Christianity, but we cannot prove that Jesus was resurrected or that the scriptures are inspired.

We might call these matters of “faith,” but it’s even more exact to say that these are fundamental assumptions of the Christian worldview that cannot be proven. However, the Christian worldview created by such beliefs explains the world far better than any other worldview.

How is that? Well, the dominant Western view other than Christianity is naturalism, that is, that there is nothing but nature and science — and every question that has an answer is answered by science — or one day will be.

Okay. Then what is the purpose of humanity? The scientific answer is: We evolved at random and serve no purpose at all.

And so what value does humanity have? Again, no value at all.

Then why is it wrong to kill other people? Oh, well, evolution does not provide a system of ethics. In fact, if we were to think of evolution as an ethical system, it would be pretty awful since it would lead to sterilizing the least highly evolved. This is the system tried by Nazis, whose choice of what is good and bad was wrong according to nearly all people — although very justifiable by evolutionary standards. From a Darwinian perspective, why wouldn’t one gene pool (Germans) seek to exterminate gene pools they consider inferior and competitive for limited resources (such as Jews and Gypsies)? That’s survival of the fittest. The fittest have the best armies.

Well, because it’s wrong — except naturalism offers no answer for why it’s wrong. None.

In fact, naturalism — being inevitably built on evolution — offers no answer for why human life should have more value than, say, ants — which is why some people can actually see  no difference.

In short, absent Christian understandings (axioms, presuppositions, worldview), the world is meaningless and people have no value. And yet this is impossible — too horrible to even contemplate.

Therefore, Christianity is true. All else is false.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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5 Responses to Apologetics: Presuppositional Apologetics

  1. Robert Baty says:

    I have two dedicated FaceBook pages which archive, in part, my dealings with some of the popular Presuppositionalists:


    They are a strange bunch!

  2. Kevin says:


  3. Robert Baty says:


    How about you?

    Do you consider me a troll?

    By the way, Jay, the final Government brief is due Friday in the FFRF v. IRS IRC 107 case. Then there will be oral arguments and then the ruling from the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

    Is that right?

    Can you, Jay, offer any additional legal expertise as to how that case might proceed?

  4. R.J. says:

    Regarding inspiration: The amount of relatively accurate documentation of of sacred texts is staggering in comparison to other literature and even so-called holy books(including the apocryphal and pseudepigraphic writings). That alone argues for the case of inspiration. You could almost call it a miracle!

  5. Pingback: On Story: The Essential Subjectivity of Christianity or Why Christianity Not Lived Is Not Christianity at All | One In Jesus

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