One Thousand E-Mail Subscribers!

1000This may not be a big deal for some bloggers, but I’m pretty excited to have just hit 1,000 email subscribers to OneInJesus.

The crazy thing is that I began 2014 at around 600 email subscribers — meaning I was adding less than 100 subscribers per year on average. Now, I’m adding about 25 a day, starting just a few weeks ago. I couldn’t be more astonished.

I have no idea why things have changed so dramatically. The WordPress stats package and Google Analytics don’t show any activity regarding the site that would generate this kind of increase. So I’m clueless (an all-too-familiar feeling).

(And I’ve checked the database. It’s not spammers. They all seem to be real people.)

Anyway — I’m flattered, humbled, and more than a little surprised. Thanks very much for reading.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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5 Responses to One Thousand E-Mail Subscribers!

  1. wayne says:

    congratulations, i am a rss reader, thank you for pouring your heart into this,may God bless!

  2. scc0009 says:

    I am one of your new blog followers & would say first, THANK GOD for an elder that studies, presents & defends the Word as you do. I have always been astonished how most elders are not “out in front” leading their congregation, but instead, felt that abdication of their responsibilities to “others” was within their authority. Scripture is clear that the shepherding of the flock was left in the hands of the elders; this awesome responsibility & the time that it takes cannot be delegated, nor taken lightly. This is why clear qualifications for church leadership were spelled out. You obviously have taken this obligation seriously & I applaud you for that, & pray for your continued success.

  3. Ray Downen says:

    Jay, this is good news indeed. I’m glad that several years ago one of your readers urged me to get acquainted with what you were writing. I figure he’s been telling others also! And I admit that I also have spoken to my friends about Jay Guin and what he thinks and says and writes. I hope that some of these new readers are as pleased as I am that you speak truth and call for others who love Jesus to also love and walk in truth.

  4. Dwight says:

    So in Godly speak, this is but “one” e-mail subscriber. Ahem, just kidding.
    Keep going! We need more conversations on God and scripture.

  5. Thank you for all of your articles and teaching. You are appreciated.

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