
hiatusI’m going to take a few days off. Maybe a week or so.

When I return, Lord willing and unless I change my mind, I want to re-cover the basics of grace, sin, forgiveness, fellowship, and damnation. In other words, What must I do to be saved? and What will cause a saved person to be lost? and How should church discipline be exercised?

To me, these are topics that even the N. T. Wrights and Richard Hays of this world rarely address. Sometimes the topics are addressed in part by the scholars, but rarely in full — as a whole topic.

And, yet, to me, these topics are the blocking and tackling of Christian leadership. When Alabama prepares for a bowl game, Coach Saban puts his team through basic blocking and tackling drills — whereas many coaches try to add fancy new schemes and plays in the extra days of preparation. Saban’s four national championships speak to the wisdom of his approach. He figures that after a 12-game season, the players get caught up in the schemes and plays and forget what they learned in high school — how to block and tackle.

In church life, we tend to get caught up in the latest fad on church growth or eschatology. It’s fun to learn new things. But we often get so caught up in the new stuff that we forget the old stuff — like who is lost and who is saved.

You see, the lost/saved question tells me whom I should treat as a brother or sister. It may require me to treat other congregations or even other denominations as fellow Christians
— which should affect how I practice my Christianity. Or it may require me to treat some supposed believers as strangers to the truth and among the lost.

This question also tells me who is in jeopardy of falling away — and from a pastoral position, what could be more important than knowing whether a sheep has strayed from the fold? I mean, sometimes we spend all our energies damning the saved rather than saving the damned. And God cannot be pleased with such a horrible mistake.

Now, I’ve not forgotten that I need to address the question of how the gay marriage question affects whom we fellowship as a fellow Christian. I’ve addressed that question in recent comments — in part — but I’ve not laid out a truly complete understanding of the underlying doctrine.

Much of this will be old hat to long-time readers, and I’ll necessarily overlap material in my books. I apologize for that. But it’s important to cover the same ground again because, as is obvious from the comments, we don’t have a common understanding on how to block and tackle. And that’s a problem.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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3 Responses to Hiatus

  1. Richard constant says:

    That’s right J.
    I used to love to play football when I was young.
    Organized chaos so to speak.
    There’s nothing better than one team gels.
    And every part of the group knows what part they play.
    It becomes understood a partnership in a brawl.
    you don’t get invited to the brawl.
    If you don’t know who to tackle and you don’t know who to block.
    to say nothing of where to be and when to be there.
    It becomes intuitive inner direction.
    the team / tribe mentality.
    God is the owner of the team.
    the Lord is the manager of the team.
    and the spirit well the spirit just gives all the intuitive inter direction, he’s the analyst, yes he’s the coordinator he revises our playbook, we sure don’t need last year’s playbook.
    and then we have the coaches and all the staff.
    They’re supposed to teach us how to implement and when to implement a play or a variation of the play.
    so then we get to go out and bust heads, in the way that we’re supposed to bust heads, the owner smiles and says to to everyone involved.
    you guys have no idea how much this team has cost me.
    but a prouder owner I could not be.
    you have time to sleep what it means to be my team.
    you will become a legacy and a standard For the future of our organization to build upon.
    Thanks Jay and enjoy your time off…
    or preparing for our next season…

  2. Jim H says:

    Please include at some length that we are to be a holy people before Hod and the world. I think we need a deeper understanding as to what it should mean to us to be “in Christ”; that part of our “works” is to what we are to become, i.e., our “being vs doing,” by the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe we need a more balanced approach in our teaching on just what should be included in our understanding of the works/deeds of Christian living.

  3. Jay Guin says:

    Jim H,

    Not sure about this “Hod” person 😉 but I’m starting, not with atonement, but God’s purposes. That is, not what are we saved from? but what are we saved for — in this age and the next?

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