Depending on how you look at it, I’m either tanned, well exercised, and rested, or sunburned, sore, and exhausted. It’s a lot of both actually.
DisneyWorld was fun — especially the Tower of Terror and the Rockin’ Roller Coaster. I just love those rides! I’m sure there’s some deep theological analogy to draw from that, but at the moment, it eludes me. In fact, nearly everything but the thought of a bath and bed eludes me.
My oldest is back in Boston and the other kids are safely home. The suitcases are all inside, and I’m trying to catch up on my email and the 10 bajillion comments posted during the week.
Tomorrow, I’m going to take a stab at a series on N. T. Wright’s important Surprised by Hope, which is about the resurrection (appropriate for Easter). I’m not sure when I’ll post it, though. That depends in large part on how fast the writing goes.
By the way, just before my vacation I cajoled my office to buy me an iPhone — and it was a great purchase. I’d tried a Treo and a Blackberry — and it’s not even a fair comparison. The iPhone is vastly superior — at least for how I operate. And the cool factor is pretty huge, too.
Now if I can just figure out how to sync my home email at home and office email at the office …