2 Responses to Elders: An Introduction for Someone Not in the Churches of Christ

  1. Nic says:

    Well said Jay!

    Those were also some great suggestions to read. My dad is an elder at a church of Christ in Augusta, Ga. In my opinion he was already a solid leader. A few years back he has been selected as an elder. I am amazed at how he has grown even more as a man and a follower of Jesus. So proud of him.

    Been lurking for a while.

    Love your site!

  2. Pastor Mike says:

    Mine is the query to which you responded with this post, and I thank you for your answer.

    My personal background is with a "mainline" (or sometimes and/or increasingly "sideline") demonination that has a highly developed structure both within and beyond the local church. While there some advantages to having a strong connection beyone the local church, there are some significant drawbacks as well. Serving as Worship and Education Pastor in this congregation has been refreshing in many ways, not the least of which has been a much simpler administrative structure.

    Theologcally, my background is Wesleyan Arminian, with a strong emphasis on holiness, thanks to the campmeeting of which I have been a part and the seminary to which God led me.

    Thank you for your ministry beyond the denomination which you so faithfully serve.
    In the Master's Service,
    Pastor Mike
    Peninsula Bible Church

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