
I’ll shortly be leaving for my mother-in-law’s funeral, which is as good a time as any to declare a pause in the blog. I’ve been going at it for over 3 1/2 years, and the fun has worn off. I don’t know if that’s a sign from God or from old age or just because my wife has barely been home in weeks. Either way, it’s time for a break.

And there’s stuff at church that needs some thought, and stuff at work, and other stuff. So I don’t know how long this will be. Maybe a week. Maybe longer. Maybe forever. Probably not forever. But that’s not my call.

For the first three years, I felt a sense of profound calling. Sometimes I posted two or three times a day. It was fun building a readership and helping to think through and hopefully re-invent Church of Christ theology. But my brain is fried and the energy is gone.

Anyway, I’ve got two or three posts already in the can. And then that’s it. Oh … and the New Wineskins material is written and will post over the next several days over there. Then that will be it for a while. Maybe a short while. Maybe not.

Please join me in prayer as I seek God’s will for whether to continue, quit, slow down, speed up, change directions, or whatever.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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34 Responses to Sabbatical

  1. Adam Legler says:

    Enjoy a long, deserved break. Will be praying for clarify for you as you determine God's future purpose for this ministry. Whatever the outcome, this blog has had an eternal impact on me already!

  2. Price says:

    Enjoy your path, wherever it leads you. His yoke is easy and His burden is light… Thanks for encouraging study and thoughtful debate.

  3. Praying for you and you family in you loss and praying God will guide you in all you decisions.

    I have really enjoyed reading your posts.


  4. Angelina says:

    I am so sorry for your loss! I pray that you will be rejuvenated while you attend to those things in your life that are the most pressing.

    Please note though, I found your blog at a very hard time in my spiritual journey and that it has been an oasis in the desert. Thank you so much for your insight and your ability to speak about topics that have been long overlooked.

    May you always, go with God, Thank you again!

  5. Angelina says:

    not sure why that little face guy looks so mad…t'wasn't me, promise 🙂

  6. Royce Ogle says:

    May the peace of God rule in your hearts through Christ Jesus our Lord.

    You are loved by your readers. I'm sure that even the ones who disagree with you love you none the less.


  7. ao says:

    We love you so much, Jay. You are a tremendous blessing to your readers.

  8. Dan Harris says:

    Jay, sorry for your family's loss. One in Jesus is a great blog and I have wondered how you kept it up so actively. I have actually felt I have neglected my own work a little just reading it and studying the replies. There is certainly a need for a place for "church a christers" to do some thoughtful study to leave the twentieth century mindset behind and enjoy a more perfect relationship with the scriptural body of Christ. In the last 2 years since finding your blog, I have made some changes and have a greater appreciation for scripture than ever. You study has certainly blessed me and by extension my wife and child. Get some rest and God bless. DAN

  9. NBS says:

    I will be praying for you Jay. I hope all goes well. I wanted to add to what the others have said that this blog has been more important for me than I can begin to say. We need your voice and I hope that God's plan for you and your future involves proclaiming the message of unity the way you have the last three years.
    God bless and I hope we hear from you again.

  10. Daniel Burns says:

    I am an avid reader of your blog, though I have never commented. I am sorry for your family's loss.

    Please rest, and come back. We need more men who are willing to be bold prophets. Your blogging and "reinventing" are needed, especially for those of us trying to reinvent while staying true to this heritage.

    May you find peace and rest in Christ, may you come back strong and follow Jesus in all you do.

    Daniel Burns

  11. Rich W says:


    I'm sorry about your loss.

    I greatly appreciate your talents, hard work, and passion to understand what God's Word says. You have helped me think and rethink about many things and allowed my to often think out loud. I have appreciated that opportunity.

    God bless.

  12. Terry says:

    I'm sorry for your loss, Jay. Praying for your family.

  13. Clyde Symonette says:

    Can you guys imagine how much of Jay’s time this blog consumes? It is nothing less than a blessing for its readers!

    Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance Jay. My sympathy to you, your wife and your family.

  14. Ray says:


    Blessings to you and your family at this time; may everything go well and your family be at peace.

    Take your sabbatical and be refreshed; may you be free of any "guilt" you may feel for resting from this work.

    Thank you for your work.

  15. Kevin Frank says:

    Jay, you have been a blessing to me and my search for the truth. The site and all the thoughts presented have truely helped open my eyes and ears to the truth. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Wendy says:

    Jay, Daniel is right. Yours IS a prophetic voice. Much love to you and your family as your mourn.

    The sabbath is a gift from God. Rest in yours.

  17. You mean you weren't doing this blog thing for a living? You have other responsibilities? 😉

    Most top bloggers blog maybe twice a week, usually once a week. Your blogging has been prolific. Rest a while, return at a "normal" pace.

    Always remember that resting is a legitimate activity, even commanded in some religions 😉

  18. Alice says:

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
    I want you to know that, even though I've only commented once, I've been reading your blog every day for the past 7 months. It has helped me at a most pivotal part in my spiritual journey, as I have started to question many of the beliefs that I was taught my whole life.

    I hope you enjoy your break. If you do decide to quit blogging permanently, please don't take down this site. It is an invaluable resource.

  19. Matt Soper says:

    I am a preacher who has really enjoyed and benefited reading your blog. I also have been amazed at how often and how much you post. After your sabbatical, if rthe Lord prompts you to resume the blog, perhaps post two or three times a week instead of six or seven; settle in for a long and steady run.Your readership isn't going away. In any event, thank you for your good work and God bless you as you experience a break.

  20. You certainly deserve the rest, Jay. But as others have already said, if you resume the blog, I'd recommend fewer original posts each week.

    You blogging pace has been amazing — very much appreciated — but still remarkable, and more than what's necessary to sustain interest in the blog.

    Stay well.

  21. John says:

    God Bless, & God Bless!

  22. Rick says:

    Like others, I found your writing at a difficult time in my spiritual journey. You were instrumental in giving me the confidence to move to greener pastures. I will always be grateful. I don't think you will have any idea this side of eternity as to how many lives you have impacted. I hope (from a selfish standpoint) that you continue to write. God bless!

  23. sid carter says:

    thank you for everything.i hope the Lord givesyou rest and refreshment. you deserve it!
    sid carter

  24. A deparitng haiku:

    Embrace the good rest
    There is life beyond the blog
    Feel free to enjoy

  25. You have shared much grace with us over many years. We can surely afford the grace to keep you in our prayers while you listen for the Lord's urgings.

  26. Nancy says:

    We'll miss you, don't be silent long.

  27. Alabama John says:


    Have a good rest, and be happy.

    I'll miss your post and blog. Its helped me and my family in this transition.

    You're in our prayers and hope to meet you face to face some day soon.

  28. Bruce Morton says:

    Keeping you and your wife in prayer over the weeks ahead.

    In Christ,
    Bruce Morton
    Katy, Texas
    [email protected]

  29. Brent says:

    We all love you. You are our teacher. Sorta like our rabbi. You teach by challenging us. You have changed many hearts and have planted the seeds that will change many more. You have dragged me screaming.

    I don't know how we did not see this coming! The pace! The pace! Wow. Now go rest . . . and listen.

  30. We will miss your insight and depth of knowlege. Your peception into our traditions and systems is characteristic of the Men of Issachar "who understood the times and new what Israel should do." May God bless your sabbatical.

    The Tailor

  31. We look forward to having you back soon. You continue to bring thoughtful and insightful wisdom that challenges each of us daily. Your comments remind us of the people of Isachar "who understood the times and knew what Israel should do."

    The Tailor

  32. Jay Guin says:

    Thanks to all for the extremely encouraging and gratifying comments!

    (So great that I think I'll take a Sabbatical at least weekly from now on …)

    Still Sabbaticalizing but finding it harder to stay away from the keyboard.

  33. xray342 says:


    It definitely sounds like you need a break and to turn to the needs of your wife, her family, and your church. The things you've written the last few years have helped and will continue to help many, many people escape and heal from legalism that's choked large parts of the Restoration Movement for over a century. It's helped me personally see the development of the original grace-based movement of Stone and Campbell into the cult of McKeanism (Crossroads/Boston/ICOC/ICC) that trapped me for eight years in an almost unspeakable labyrinth of works under the heavy yoke of a demonically empowered false Christ. I'm praying that your season away will help rejuvenate you so you can continue to grow closer to our Lord and that He will help you continue to write clearly and coherently to communicate the gospel not only to the lost, but those of us who are saved and are tempted to be swayed by performance and empty religion.

  34. Neal Roe says:

    To God be the glory. We will speak of you often to Him who will refresh you and your wife.

    It is not for nothing that you have spent these last three years posting. You have stood up for Jesus in a way that made me seek Him out and love Him more.

    Peace, be upon you and your family. I can not thank you enough and my debt toward you is paid in my living for Jesus. But if you ever need anything in Vero Beach or anywhere in Southern/ Central Florida… please call on me.

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