The commenting software I run, called DISQUS, doesn’t always email comments that are posted here. I nearly always does, but lately I’ve noticed some exceptions.
I usually read and respond via email, because I find that the easiest way to keep up, and it lets me sort comments by topic. So this is a major annoyance.
I don’t know exactly what the problem is, and so I’ll be experimenting a bit. I do have a working theory: I’m guessing that comments of over 1,000 words don’t get emailed. They get posted on the site, but aren’t sent to email subscribers.
Now, that’s just a guess. In the mean time, if you post a long comment, please break it down into multiple comments to stay under the 1,000-word limit, and I’ll keep studying the issue.
Only 1000 words! That really puts the hurt on someone like me, who has the non- miraculous gift of verbosity.
Jay, I'm flattered that I might have helped discover a "bug" in the software. Do I get the prize for verbosity? Does helping uncover this "bug" make me a big computer guru? (Just included as another example of faulty inductive reasoning).
I also noticed that you get to include cute little pictures with your initial posts that start a thread. Can a subsequent commenter do that in a post? I would love to show some graphs and charts of data with comments. But, if one picture = 1000 words, does that mean — one picture + one word = bug bite ?
This post is just for making quantitative measurement of your tolerance for humor. (I want to see if it is "fast growing." 🙂