Here are links to the materials I referenced in my Friday lectures:
Order CDs of the three classes
Ray Vander Laan audio lectures (free download)
Faith Lessons (7 DVD Set) Ray Vander Laan
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni
In Visible Fellowship: A Contemporary View of Bonhoeffer’s Classic Work <i>Life Together</i>, by Jon Walker
Why They Left: Listening to Those Who Have Left Churches of Christ by Flavil Yeakley
The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace, by Jay Guin
Lecture on Multigenerational Ministry, by Jay Guin (This is the source of much of material for the second class, supplemented with information from Why They Left)
I intend to post the first and third classes in a series of posts as I have time to type them up.
Glad you’re back, safe and sound.
– Bob