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- Mark on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
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- Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ("the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God")
Thought Question: How Should Retirees Live for Jesus?
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Maybe too many people have this problem as described by the infamous author of humor and science fiction, Douglas Adams.
“My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre and that I am therefore excused from saving universes.” ― Douglas Adams
Thank you for the clip. My wife and I last year sold most all that we had including our house. (25 days from listing to closing, in Texas) We then relocated to Port Elizabeth, South Africa to work with the team that produces Lessons To Live By curriculum for the poorer schools in this city. This work uses help from AIM apprentices. The clip really rang true for my wife and I. Keep up the great work.
I’ve never heard anything like this ever preached from the pulpit of any church that I have ever attended.
As far as sharing life experiences with the younger people, Shucks… I can’t even get past the youth minister to talk to any of the young people in my church and I have offered myself and my wife to do just that several times. It’s like they want to put a wall between the teenagers and the senior citizens. And, I don’t really know why that’s the case. But, I don’t think that mindset is an oddity in todays churches.
As far as giving away ones stuff, we Americans probably do have to much stuff. But, we struggle to find the balance between too much stuff (and giving some of our stuff to the needy) and having enough stuff to take care of our familys. Both things are directives to us and they are in conflict with each other. I try to meet the needs of both as best I can and having some youngster preacher tell me that I am not doing it good enough doesn’t work for me.
That was so powerful. I am at a crossroad having begun leaving a sleeping
church, a church that will not exist much longer unless true repentence happens.
It was not Christ that shackles their hearts, but men with hearts of stone.
I want to thank Jay Guin for opening my eyes. I’m just 72. Thankfully my wife
is beside me all the way. Now it is time, the hour has come to wake from sleep.
The night is far gone, the Day is at hand.
“Now it is time, the hour has come to wake from sleep.
The night is far gone, the Day is at hand”
This is my new daily prayer. Thanks David!!
We cross paths again. Donna and I are 73 and 78 and we are still committed to doing community service, home bible study and personal conversion studies.
You won’t hear that from the pulpit. We too are viewed as being progressive as we serve in a 200+ conservative congregation and are looked at with suspicion. We have helped form 1000+ congregations in the Houston area.
You have to view your faith work in a personal way to serve the Lord. You might encourage others to join you but don’t depend on it.
Bob Harry
In my opinion you should leave and tell them why. It might help them change and do better in the future.
What a waste of talent, training, and experiences you could share.
Good luck.
Being in a small town does not leave too many alternatives unless you drive 30+ miles to a larger more loving and supportive congregation. There may be ten different denominations who aren’t much better than the COC.
My psychiatrist friend told us to go to the Methodists. They don’t argue with anyone and are more loving.
Bob Harry
Robert, I am involved in a number of ministries that take place outside the church building but I do these with people who go to different churches than mine. Only one of them has members of my own church involved. I’d just like to do ministry with more people from my own church. It looks like it may not happen in my lifetime.
A.J., I’ve looked at this from every angle and have decided that I’m at the best place I can be given where I live. I talk online but remain pretty much silent in person because I don’t want to create any division or dissention. I suspose some may have identified me by my postings but I try not to identify myself too clearly. If my circumstances change, I would certainly consider your advice.
I posted a comment on Churches in Decline.
I am a retired Petroleum Engineer.
That was taken from Romans 13. I used it in my letter to the bretheren I tried to
awaken from slumber. It’s a legalistic stubborn body that has absolutely no
outreach in our community. I was “merged in” from a warm, loving church that
was broken apart by a church wrecker. I was asked to make peace with him but
we have no common ground. He is anti-unity which to me is anti-christ.
Well, I live in a very small Southern town. Pinson, Alabama. We drive for 40 minutes to a progressive, no arguing church of Christ. At Crossroads COC there are many there that this is their first look at a COC and they come from all denominations. Interesting to hear their comments in Sunday classes.
Sadly when some retire from full time work they also retire from full time faith. Daniel was at least 70 years old when he was thrown in the Lion’s den. I think that maybe our greatest moments of faith may come in the twilight of our lives. Doesn’t that make sense?
Alabama John:
I can understand your position, 40 min away from the assembly. I have been disfellowshipped because of contesting teaching of a well known preacher that is so powerfully voiced and so respected for his ultraconservative stance that no church in this area that has Elders would employ him. Therefore he rules this small church uncontested. Because my documentation was so powerful in identifying his incorrect teaching, letters were sent to all of the churches for approximately 50 miles radius, I am positive that the purpose was to ward off any communication with me. There are two churches that I can attend 1 approx 20 members and 1 approx 200 members. Of course both of these are approximately 45 minutes away. The small church average age is high 70es needless to say will only be in existence until there are not enough funds available to keep the doors open. The larger church has a youth program, multiple fellowship gatherings during the week, truly a evangelistic type of attitude, we can feel good as we attend this church, but that feeling only serves us. We cannot find others in our area that we can communicate with about the Lord that will endure the drive and time to be a full time part of this church. As a result I and my wife visit many churches in this community, and of course they are very friendly, but we don’t have much opportunity to help them to see a clearer understanding of God’s word, you see they also do very little study depending mostly upon the preacher/pastor sent to them for their relationship with the Lord. I ask you because this is a problem with my feelings, do you feel that you are serving the Lord, in the efforts to travel and lack of availability to reach those that need knowledge that you have learned about the Savior. Would I/we better serve our Lord by starting a small study group like a house church described in scriptures with a goal of reaching the lost or misinformed in our own locality? Or make an effort to become well enough respected by attending a group that might possibly allow you to guide their future? Does anyone believe that even though you felt that the teachings at an assembly were not totally correct to the Lord’s teachings, that you would be unacceptable to the Lord if you tolerated some error in an effort to teach more correctly his principles? Of course you can see that my background has been conservative CoC.