Portraits of Jesus
Lesson 3: Portraits of the First Followers
John 1:35-51
Note the “titles” used for Jesus:
- Rabbi (Teacher) by two of John’s disciples
- Messiah (Christ) Andrew to Peter
- One Moses and Prophets wrote about – Philip to Nathanael
- Rabbi, Son of God, King of Israel – Nathanael to Jesus
- Son of Man – Jesus
Discuss the meaning of each of these terms. What would be the understanding of these followers in their use of the terms? Would their understanding be the same as ours?
What was Jesus saying to Simon in changing his name?
Simon (short for Simeon) means “hearer.” What was the change in becoming Cephas (Aramaic) or Peter (Greek) meaning “rock”?
Why is the discussion about Nazareth significant? (“Branch” Jer. 25:5-6)
How might Jesus’ statement about the angels ascending and descending on the Son of Man relate to Gen. 28:10ff? How is Jesus the ladder from heaven to earth, and earth to heaven? (John 3:10-21; 14:6; Acts 4:12) How can we better help people find the ladder?
Notice how Jesus interacts with people:
- He asked people what they wanted?
- He invites them to come and see.
- He lets people spend time with him.
- He made eye contact and spoke to them directly identifying them by name.
- He motivated people to seek for more in their lives.
- He called people to follow him.
- He identified the good in people (“Good Stuff”).
- He countered cynicism with what God was doing (“God Stuff”).
- He congratulated and blessed faith.
- He promised greater things through continued faith.
How might we imitate Christ in our interactions with the people we associate with?
by David Bearden