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- Guy Diffenbaugh on Site Rules
- StavinChain on Hallelujah, performed with new lyrics by Cloverton
- Dwight Haas on CENI: Binding Examples
- Larry Cheek on CENI: Binding Examples
- Dwight Haas on CENI: Binding Examples
- Larry Cheek on CENI: Binding Examples
- Michael on Hallelujah, performed with new lyrics by Cloverton
- Dwight on CENI: Binding Examples
- Dwight Haas on CENI: Binding Examples
- Stephen Youngblood on CENI: Binding Examples
- Dwight on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Dwight on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
- Larry Cheek on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Dwight on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Monty on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Larry Cheek on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
- Mark on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
- Larry Cheek on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Larry Cheek on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
- Larry Cheek on Will the Ark of the Covenant Ever Be Found?
- David on Born of Water: Don’t we contact the blood of Christ at baptism?
- Dwight Haas on “Muscle and a Shovel”: In Reply to the Author, Michael Shank
- Dwight Haas on Will the Ark of the Covenant Ever Be Found?
- David on Will the Ark of the Covenant Ever Be Found?
- Larry Cheek on Will the Ark of the Covenant Ever Be Found?
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- Hallelujah, performed with new lyrics by Cloverton
- Ray Vander Laan's "Follow the Rabbi" lectures
- Acts 2: Were the Apostles Baptized in Water? Part 1
- Progressive Church of Christ Blogs, E-Zines, Writings and Groups
- Communion Meditation: God's Great Banquet
- U.S. Income and Employment Taxes for Missionaries (corrected and expanded)
- The Story: The Tabernacle, Worship, and the Christian, Part 1 (Living Sacrifices)
- The Story: Ruth the Moabite, Part 3 (The Genealogy and Conclusions)
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 ("the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God")
- More Missionaries and Taxes Regarding Housing
It should be a very exciting weekend. Hoping everybody is civil.
Gig ‘Em Ags!!
“Gig ’em”? I thought that was another team altogether. Hoping that the poor Alabama players would be gigged (I know what the word means) doesn’t seem civil at all. Which is quite okay because half the fun of college football is trash talking. Even if it does mean wishing that Alabama be impaled on a frog gig.
I’m am Aggie and I feel like I need to root for the Aggies, but I’ll admit that they have consistently disappointed me over the years so I’m not overly optimistic. You’ll have fun but steer clear of the boys carrying the swords though just in case. Go early so that you can watch the corp march into the stadium.
My Longhorns are off to a rocky start…it could be a long season for me. 🙁
It’ll be interesting to see who survives the west to play Georgia.. Go Dawgs !! I will pray that your line at the men’s room is short…
Headline in College Station paper on Sunday: “Aggies Hang 42 Points On Defending Champs With Second-Half Comeback; Nearly-Vanquished Coach Saban Praises Johnny Football”
Headline in Tuscaloosa paper is still undergoing spell-check.
Meanwhile, University of Texas officials have filed a missing persons report on the Longhorn defense. Said a Texas Ranger spokesman: “They had been experimenting with this ‘tackle-free’ defensive scheme for a while, which seemed a bit suspicious to the neighbors, but we have no direct evidence connecting this strange behavior with the most recent disappearance.”
Well Jay I assume you led the crowd in the taunting the opponent with “Rammer Jammer Yellowhammer…”
Ha always enjoy watching my Christian brothers and sisters pretneding not to taunt along 🙂
I consider Rammer Jammer to reflect poor sportsmanship and I refuse to participate. Ever.
Except in ’92 against Miami. You had to be there.
My deepest sympathies to Texas fans. I’ve always liked Texas — and I’ve been where they are, and know how they feel.
Longest line to a men’s room I’ve ever seen anywhere. Stadium really needs to be torn down and rebuilt now that A&M has joined the major leagues (which is exactly what they are going to do).
Jay, could it be that SEC folks simply require more per-capita restroom capacity– trailing only, perhaps, the folks in the state legislature? 😉
As to Miami, you had to be there, indeed. For Texans, it was the 1991 Cotton Bowl. During that era at Miami, an “F” on the roster did not stand for “freshman”, it stood for “felon”…
Sorry about Texas. Losing to Ole Miss? Seriously …
Ole Miss is a greatly improved team, played us hard last year, but Texas has no business getting beat by them.
Aggies, however, played a great game and are going to win a bunch. We might even meet them in the BCS.
Maybe they could change the line in the song to “Give ’em total annihilation, Alabama!” Just a thought…
Charles, are you insinuating that rabid sports fans publically exhibit all seven deadly sins.
wrath, — “Hurt that sucker, stop him”
greed, — “I want another championship, please lord”
sloth, —Setting on butt cheering for those working.
pride, — bragging on “my team”
lust, — “Just ten more yards, please”
envy, “Man I wish we had three championship in a row”
gluttony. — “Score a hundred points on those bums”
I was thinking more along the lines of “We just beat the perpetual conscious torment out of you!” You know, so that no one might think we Alabama fans are unclear on these things.