We’ve been considering N. T. Wright’s newly released Paul and the Faithfulness of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God)
— a massive and masterful consideration of Paul’s theology.
Well, we were and then I had surgery and then I had this deadly infection, and, well, we’ll get back to it at some point I’m sure.
I came across these two videos in which Michael J. Gorman (a great author in his own right) interviews Wright, in one, and Wright and Richard Hayes, in another, regarding some of the major themes of Wright’s massive book.
Both run about 35 minutes, and these are strictly for those readers with a serious theological inclination. For those of you who enjoy Wright and would like to get deeper into the Pauline epistles, these are well worth the listen.
And if you’re still deciding whether to buy the book and read it, this is a pretty good preview.