John Mark Hicks has just posted a two-part series on Noah — both the biblical account and the movie. Highly recommended.
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Saw the movie yesterday. It is horrible if you know the Biblical account. Shows giant rock creatures posing as fallen angels. Contrary to scripture Noah didn’t want two of his sons to bring women along… It is not even a good Hollywood action flick in my opinion.
We tend to think of the story of Noah as our property. But our Jewish friends have also lived with it for these millenia and they were writing about it even by New Testament times. I read where Aronovsky studied many Jewish writings and also took inspiration from Enoch and Jubilees, books that the writers of the New Testament must have, in my opinion, revered especially the former which fleshes out the Watchers. These two books even made it into the Ethiopian Christian canon. Our collective lack of curiosity about these books that indirectly formed us is to our detriment. Aronovsky’s is a midrashic treatment of the story of Noah and thus honors this long Jewish tradition which wrestles with ethics and values behind the action. The practice of midrash moves us forward not by coming up with the one masterful, air-tight argument but by working through it and viewing it from different angles. It is a process. Steve Allison
I saw the movie and even with somewhat low expectations considering the pre-film controversy I was really disappointed. At one point 20 minutes from the end I seriously thought abut getting up and leaving(hadn’t done that at a movie in a while). Even allowing for all the character distortions and artistic license, it wasn’t even a good movie flick IMO. My wife almost fell asleep, a lady in her late 60’s sitting next to us got up and left when Noah turned violent. I saw it in a crowd of perhaps 80-100 and there was just this somber type mood I noticed as we were filing out. My advice is wait for the DVD if you want to see it. – To much wrong, outweighs the little redemptive pieces. I think the director missed a huge, huge, opportunity to have made something of monumental lasting value among people of faith. Sadly, this film will be forgotten in a few months.
I’ll wait for the DVD. Most of the criticisms I have heard of the film itself (outside the obvious complaints that it does not track with scripture) have boiled down to “that’s not my Noah!” Which might be on-point if this were a work of faith, which it is clearly not. There is not enough actual material in the biblical account to make a TV newscast, much less a movie, The idea that Noah, living in an irretrievably evil society, would be unacquainted with violence –or incapable of it– is a bit more flannel-board character than thoughtful conjecture.
God help us if they ever make a well-thought-out film centered on the life of David. That would be a great bio-pic, but the more accurate it was, the more Christians would HATE it.
Actually a really accurate film of the life of David would be welcomed by me. It is fascinating that he started so well in killing Goliath, took a big turn south with Bathsheba, repents as evidenced in the Psalms, and is called a “A man after God’s own heart” in Acts 13:22. If David found redemption and a high place in God’s eyes, then there is much more hope for me.
As far as “That’s not my Noah”… I really don’t have a personal Noah but the one I read about that is mentioned frequently in Genesis, I Chronicles, Ezekiel, Matthew, Luke, Hebrews, and I & II Peter was a far cry from the one depicted in the movie. For that reason I give the movie an “F”.