Apologetics: July 6, 2014 Sunday School class on the Christian worldview

lapelmicAs you know, much of the material I post here is for use in my church’s Bible classes. The apologetics series recently completed is for a series I’m teaching this summer.

I’ve had a number of requests to record these classes, due to students being on vacation or otherwise having conflicts, and so I’m giving it a try.

Click the play button to listen to the class. Or click the download link to download a .m4a sound file that you can play on your iPod or smartphone.


Download July 6, 2014 Class (19 MB)

For those not familiar with the West Alabama accent, well, I have one. After I spoke at Pepperdine a few years ago, someone bought the CD and then complained in the comments section about my “hillbilly” accent — which I found deeply insulting. Hillbillies live in East Tennessee and pull for the University of Tennessee football team. There are no hillbillies here in Tuscaloosa, home of the Alabama Crimson Tide.

“Redneck,” however, is an entirely acceptable term, thanks to the missionary efforts of Jeff Foxworthy.

[For those curious as to how to do this, I bought a Sony ECMCS3 Clip style Omnidirectional Stereo Microphone mic on Amazon, plugged it into my iPhone, and recorded using the Voice Memos app.

I then edited in WavePad, a free download. I used the Remove Noise or Hiss feature to clean up the air conditioning and other background noise, and I used the Trim feature to cut off excess silence at the end and beginning.

WordPress now supports streaming for even very large sound files. I’m not sure whether it’s a native feature or part of the Jetpack add on. You install the sound file just like inserting a picture. You may select whether to play through the streaming player or as a downloadable link.]

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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One Response to Apologetics: July 6, 2014 Sunday School class on the Christian worldview

  1. Eric says:

    Thanks Jay! I would have hated missing class.

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