I’ve put up a post at Wineskins with a couple of follow up questions to Paula Harrington’s thoughtful post from a few days earlier.
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Link to Wineskins isn’t working, Jay. Goes to the Wineskins website, but where the article should be shows a message “Permission Denied”
And the words of Paul in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 If a man won’t work, he shouldn’t eat. And the words of wisdom in Proverbs in 24:33″ A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands and poverty will come upon you as a thief.” And the admonition to take care of our brothers in need in James and in 1 John. It’s a balancing act and it takes wisdom to know who is in need (like someone getting burned out of their house) An orphan or a widow is more easily realized than someone who is just lazy or a drunkard and would rather hold a sign than work. As I said above, err on the side of generosity when in doubt. When you know the facts, use wisdom so as not to become an enabler. But always go the second mile.
Jay, you hit it out of the park on that one … Just sayin’
As I read this post I am reminded of the crux of what transformation can come from giving the way God gives in his nature. If you are familiar with the story line of Les Miserables and may have seen the recent movie with Hugh Jackman then you will see the crux of the matter is when they police bring Hugh Jackman back to the church accusing him of stealing from the church which he did. When the police ask the priest to charge him for the theft the priest says he gave him the stolen items and then gave him some more things he said he forgot to take. Overcome with grace and mercy Jackman then blesses the lives of many and his kindness eventually leads his protagonist to transform themselves. As he show mercy to them. The key is that God is a giver that fills the cup to overflowing. In our theology of giving we spend too much time trying to establish the rules of: how much, when, to whom etcetera. Even judging peoples motives of if they are worthy. When Christ died and gave the ultimate gift was he thinking of any of the things we think of when we give? This is where it comes to faith. If we give like the priest did in the movie Les Miserable if requires faith that God will do something amazing with it even if it seems foolish. The priest could have thought this guy is a thief and convict I will send him to jail. But he didn’t! So I would suggest that before we start asking any legal questions about who deserves our gifts or how much is enough or any other similar questions we should ask ourselves have we allowed God to transform us into His giver one who gives from a transformed heart? There is a secular humanistic idea that has crept into our theology of someone having to pull themselves up by their booths traps before we will help them that is completely contrary to the nature of God. The question that may help us in better understanding this: If I were in a bad situation even of my own doing would I want someone to be graceful and merciful with me even if I didn’t deserve it? The answer would be yes because that is exactly what Jesus did. Think if we are sitting there on the day of judgment and told the Lord “Aren’t you proud of us we didn’t waste any money feeding drug addicts, we only helped those people who would help themselves”?