I’ve just begun posting a 9-part series on the resurrection at Wineskins. I know that sounds like a lot, but the topic covers not only the resurrection of Jesus but also the general resurrection of the saints.
I delve into N.T. Wright’s views found in The Resurrection of the Son of God (Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol. 3) and Surprised by Hope
, and the resurrection’s implications for the church.
The first post went up this morning: Resurrection, Part 1: A Definition. The rest will appear every other day.
More posts to come. (And would you mind commenting at WS so other readers there benefit?)
Short answer: I don’t know what kinds of bodies the damned get, if any. They aren’t promised a resurrection, just punishment. I believe the punishment to be just and finite — as Edward Fudge teaches. The damned will be punished with perfect justice — and it will be punishment indeed — and then they will cease to exist. They will die what the Revelation calls the Second Death. The scriptures reveal little about the nature of their existence while being punished — whether physical or otherwise. We just aren’t told — but it’s a form of existence that experiences suffering. That we know — which makes them very different from the saved.
Not too far off from what we experience here on earth is it.
I had never registered on Wineskins. The main reason was the amount of activity I saw talking place there. I just looked and it appears to me that there has only been 50 posted articles this year to date. The number of comments to those articles don’t even come close to the activity on your site. Do you have any statics as to the readership of Wineskins? From my viewpoint Wineskins isn’t even a drop in the bucket when compared to yours.
But, a new concept just came to mind I don’t notice many of those authors posting comments on your site. Would it be possible that they are more interested in professing their beliefs and moving on than interacting with their commentors as you do? I enjoy the communications here and feel like they benefit many as well as myself.
It shows in the list of comments that I had posted after your post and before this one but when I search for the post it is not there.
But, to continue my concern with Wineskins I entered not registered and attempted to find posts posted by Jay in the search box not many come up and I notice very few have any comments logged to them. I then did the same for Matt and noticed that most of his posts did not have comments logged in either. am I missing a method to navigate the blog?
Jay, what is interesting is that resurrection is assured, but the type body is hinted at and is vague, but many make stonewall arguements one way or the other and make it a point of division and separate over it as doctrine. We are told God is, but now what God is, besides spirit, which is different than physical, but beyond that we don’t know what the spiritual state consist of and it is beyond our knowing until we are in it at resurrection. Perhaps spiritual is an existence on another dimension. We don’t even know what angels or demons look like, unless they have taken on some human form or likeness. But then again just because there is a lack of form doesn’t make there a lack of force or presence. God “walked” through the garden, God wrote on a wall, God wrote on a tablet, God spoke everything into existance, God loves, God considers, God judges. Trying to definitely define something that we cannot see from our limited human viewpoint is like trying to nail jello to the wall. It doesn’t work and it gets messy.
I agree that we are given limited info on the afterlife. On the other hand, we are given some information. And maybe it’s all metaphor. But if so, we need to at least know what the metaphors are — because they are given us for a reason.
Couldn’t agree more that his shouldn’t be a point of division. Nonetheless, it’s a topic the Bible takes on in several places, including most of 1 Cor 15. We shouldn’t ignore what we’re taught in scriptures on the subject — as difficult as it can be to wrap our heads around.
As we’ll cover in future posts, there are implications for how we live.