The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace: God’s antidotes for division within the Churches of Christ–a study in the indwelling Spirit and the assurance of our salvation (PowerPoint version)
Do We Teach Another Gospel?–Are the Churches of Christ guilty of the Galatian heresy? Takes The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace deeper. (Why So Many Divisions?)
Born of Water–Arguments pro and con as to whether baptism is essential to our salvation
Buried Talents–on the role of women
But If You Do Marry … – A new look at divorce and remarriage
What I Like About the Churches of Christ: Unity (PowerPoint)
Does 'Do We Teach Another Gospel?' come in book form and if so , how do you order it?
It's available solely as an ebook, available only by download. /books-by-jay-guin/do-we-te…
I figure the best distribution scheme is free on the world wide web.
I just finished reading your book online Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace and throughly, THOROUGHLY loved it! Amen, Amen, and AMEN!
Thank you for your excellent material.
Have you taken down But If You Do Marry? I was referring it to a lady in the church for the benefit of her son – whose wife left him, he later remarried, and is now not in church any where. The lady is 83 and very concerned about her son. I gave her a short item I wrote a couple of years ago, but your book is not coming up for me. Please reply at eemjerry (at) gmail (dot) com.
Thanks for pointing out the broken link. I’ve fixed. Appears to be a glitch resulting from the hack a few weeks ago.
Jay, I have downloaded the PPT for falling from grace, and it is great! I have been searching for the listed PPT below Do we teach another gospel but that leads to ?attachment = 116 which opens up the pdf document.
The links to Do We Teach Another Gospel? are all intended to lead to the book. There’s no lecture by that name, although similar material is covered in the PowerPoints. I’ve edited the text to clarify. Thanks.