[Reposted from 2012]
A reader asks,
Have you written on the issue of elder-led vs. the lead pastor model? At work, I’m a big believer in the sole leader — follow or get out of the way — model. I’m not sure that’s what God had in mind for the church. Any practical ideas on governing without squeezing the life and passion out of the staff?
Dear reader,
Here’s where I am in my thinking.
1. The scriptures give us considerable flexibility but elders cannot abdicate their jobs. They can delegate, but they can’t give away ultimate oversight.
2. The preacher should be treated as a near-elder, meeting with the elders as part of the team. He doesn’t get a vote, but that should never matter.
The reason is that, like elders, he visits the sick, teaches doctrine, mentors future leaders, etc. Elders and preachers do the same things, and the elders need someone on staff to coordinate getting their vision into effect. Continue reading →