By now it should be obvious that my talents don’t lie in the area of shepherding (in the traditional pastoral sense). But the series really needs a post on how to shepherd — and I’m the last person you should ask.
So I’ve asked other people — people who are good at this.
Here’s what I gather —
1. I believe we’re going to be judged most especially by how we treat the “least of these.” Different places and cultures have different “leasts.” In church, there are always what some call “extra-grace Christians” — people who are just harder to deal with than most people.
I make a point to greet and speak to stutterers, the mentally ill, the disabled, the very shy, people with Asperger’s Syndrome, and anyone else at church who is difficult to talk to. If they don’t want to talk back, I respect that. But I figure some of these folks haven’t met a friendly ear all week — and if church means anything, it’s a place where a stutterer will find the patience to be heard.
So I don’t know if that’s “shepherding,” but I think it’s important. And if someone with Asperger’s wants to talk about comic books for a few minutes at church, well, I can talk Fantastic Four or Batman however long I need to. Continue reading