The Pattern — Or How to Deal with a Very Full Inbox

I’m experimenting with a new pattern. No, not a pattern of worship or church organization. A pattern for how to post on this blog.

Readers will remember that I took a Sabbatical of sorts a few weeks ago — for a whole, entire week. (It really helped. Really.) I then decided to post every other day. Which I’ve sometimes done but not always.

Meanwhile, my Google Reader account has been filled to overflowing. My Inbox got way beyond full. You see, I use Google Reader to read blog and news posts — a whole bunch of them. Some are about Alabama football. Some are about other stuff. And many are from blogs on Christian themes.

I save the ones that might inspire a future post or lead to further study. And lately, they’ve been coming in faster than I can make use of them.

So here’s the plan —

1. My customary essays will be posted every other day, just as I promised myself. Presently I’m alternating between “Real Restoration” and “Baptism, An Exploration.”

2. On the off days, I’ll post an excerpt from someone else’s blog or other web site and ask a question or two. I’ll call these “A Thought Question.” Not too creative, I suppose, but descriptive.

I’ll usually not express my opinions on these. Every once in a while I will, because I’m an opinionated guy. But most of the time, I’ll just ask the readers what they think. And most of the time, I won’t participate in the discussion. Time, Sabbatical, and all that. Mainly, there’s not time to both discuss and write new material, and so I’m going to focus on writing. Beside, I think the readers will do just fine without me. There is much wisdom and intelligence among the readership.

As to the every-other day essays, I’ll continue to participate in those discussions as I can.

And this way, I’ll get to empty my Inbox without taking on more than I can do. And this approach will let me broaden the scope of the blog into areas I just don’t have to get to by borrowing from great work by other people.

Anyway, that’s the plan. As we go through the rest of January, let me know what you think.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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One Response to The Pattern — Or How to Deal with a Very Full Inbox

  1. Jay Guin says:

    PS — As a rule, I'll post my lessons on the life of David as I write them, meaning sometimes there will be multiple posts a day. I just need to get them to the teachers as soon as I can, and I rarely get them written any earlier than they're needed.

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