1,000,000 Hits (or Not)

The hit counter down there at the bottom of the page hit 1,000,000 a few days ago, and I guess I should say something on the subject. Here goes: It’s not true. Or maybe it is. I’m not sure. So I’m having trouble getting excited about it, but then, that may be due to this summer cold thing that’s knocked me for a loop.

You see, when I switched to Theobloggers, I had about 750,000 hits showing on the counter, “hits” meaning page views — which to me is the real measure of a site. You see, in internet lingo, you get a “hit” for each file downloaded, meaning you get one hit for the 1,000,000 cartoon, another for the text, and may a dozen more for the stuff around the edges. Anyway, hits grossly overstate reality.

The native hit counter for WordPress I used to have actually measured page views, which is how many times someone clicks to download an article to read, which measures something of real significance.

So I’ve been trying to get a genuine page view hit counter thingie on the page, and they seem to be hard to come by. And Theobloggers is about to switch to WordPress 3.0, which may or may not solve the problem. So in the meantime I’m probably not actually at 1,000,000 page views. But maybe I am.

You see, lots of people read my stuff via email, and email reads aren’t counted by hit counters or page view counters. So that’s several thousand reads per month that aren’t counted. And lots of people read by RSS reader, which has the very same problem. Add those in, and I might have passed 1,000,000 months ago!

But I have this cold and really don’t feel like doing the math to figure whether I hit a 1,000,000 page views. It would require higher level reasoning skills that are being denied me by lack of oxygen and sinus pain and coughing and all that. So I’m either over 1,000,000 page views or not. But my head definitely feels like World War III is going in my sinus cavities. That much I’m sure about.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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4 Responses to 1,000,000 Hits (or Not)

  1. Laymond says:

    Jay, hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel, or somewhere around there. I too have a cold, or some kind of sinus problem. My granddaughter gave us a great-grandson this week, and my wife, who is a nurse banned me from his hospital room. On their way home today, his dad brought him by , so I have approved of him. feel better soon.

  2. Jim Haugland says:

    Good for you & good for God's grace in a too often wasteland of legalism….Jim

  3. Tom Forrester says:

    Congrats on the milestone. I so appreciate what you're doing and am thankful for the spirit of unity found in your writing. Thanks for hanging in there and I pray the Lord's blessing upon the work you have joined him in. I also pray God's healing on you.

  4. Jay Guin says:

    Prayers must have worked. I'm feeling much better today. Was laid low the last 3 days — so it's great feeling better! But now there's so much catching up to do …

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