Tornado Part II

This video was taken from about a block away from an F5, which went through Tuscaloosa in an area filled with apartments and retail buildings, leveling a path miles long and 2 blocks wide. My apologies for the cameraman’s language, but I think you’ll agree it was understandable under the circumstances.

I am fine, as is my family. So far, we have no reports of serious injury or death among the members of my church, but there are over 30 dead in Tuscaloosa and likely more. Search and rescue is ongoing.

Two of my employees lost their houses but survived.

While my congregation’s church building is fine, several churches in town lost theirs. City services are compromised, but much of the city is untouched.

I’ve lost power at my home, but it appears otherwise undamaged, and so I’m posting from the office, which was untouched. In fact, most of Tuscaloosa was untouched. But the areas affected are utterly devastated.

About Jay F Guin

My name is Jay Guin, and I’m a retired elder. I wrote The Holy Spirit and Revolutionary Grace about 18 years ago. I’ve spoken at the Pepperdine, Lipscomb, ACU, Harding, and Tulsa lectureships and at ElderLink. My wife’s name is Denise, and I have four sons, Chris, Jonathan, Tyler, and Philip. I have two grandchildren. And I practice law.
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14 Responses to Tornado Part II

  1. preachersmith says:

    Prayers go up for all out that way!

  2. Alan Smith says:


    Our prayers are with you. We are still doing tornado clean-up here in NC from a couple of weeks ago. There is a brother who helped us to help the community. His name is Mike Baumgartner with Disaster Assistance Church of Christ. He prepared over 2000 meals that we carried out into the community to give to people cleaning up, police officers, utility workers, etc. He is headed your way and hopes to be of help to you there at University Church. Please welcome him with open arms. He will be a blessing to you and your efforts to serve the community.

  3. Ramona says:

    That is just unbelievable. I continue to be awed at the power and destruction videos like these display. I feel terrible for the people of Alabama. If you hear of any way we can send relief items (clothes, food, water, etc.) please post it.

  4. micrachel says:


    I am trying to raise money to feed people. I left you a voicemail this morning. Dad is smoking extra boston butts now, they will be ready tomorrow. Any help you can give would be helpful (even if it's just letting me know where we should take them)

  5. Adam Legler says:

    Glad you're okay. Will be praying for your area.

  6. Chris Shrock says:

    I just found your blog, which I really like. Sorry to find you in such a state of distress. May God work powerfully both for you and through you to help others.

  7. cobbmic says:

    Jay: I will be praying for all of you.

  8. Jay Guin says:


    There are two groups from the Churches of Christ providing food for workers.

    A group from University Church of Christ, headed by Jamie Graham, has set up at the old La Fiesta site. Disaster Assistance has set up at the Central Church of Christ site. I imagine either would be grateful for the donation.

  9. Jay Guin says:


    Thanks for the note. I’ve spoken with Mike and passed the word along to our church office to help spread.

  10. Alabama John says:


    Its bad here too. How this storm has folks on their knees. Our power just came back on, but I understand over two hundred dead as of this evening.

    So many without a place of refuge and without clothes or food.

    Our church offered our building and assistance for ANY that needed it.

    I'll never understand the other churches of Christ keeping their doors closed and not helping anyone while the denominations around them are putting forth a great effort to help folks desperate for help.

    What a wasted opportunity to show how caring Gods people really are. On the other hand it is showing the community exactly that isn't it.

  11. Jay that is terrifying. I give praises you are well and the family there is too. My prayers are for all of Alabama. It is mind blowing brother.

  12. Alabama John says:

    Bobby, would you explain your post on your blog that comes up when I click on your Tornado Part ll.
    I posted on it as I understood for the first time today.
    Good blog with some folks I know and from WAY back.
    The having to have your post approved before it will be presented bothers me if that matters as Jays does not. He allows pro and con and that alone is very impressive to many folks I know that read here but never post.
    Yours being edited before posting is reminiscent of the conservative Preachers Files where your post gets discarded if it disagrees or you make them think too much about somethings they do.
    Hope that is not the case with yours!!

  13. Jay Guin says:

    Alabama John,I’m glad to report that I know of a Church of Christ that is serving all in need at a local shelter, although the same church refused to help non-Church members in the wake of the Katrina disaster. The Spirit is changing hearts!

  14. Alabama John says:


    Sometimes I wonder if I'm being too hard on the conservatives, but, no, that needs to be done by someone that has nothing to lose.

    I also see the very slow changing, but, it doesn't hurt to let it be known they are wrong. Folks would be amazed at how many in the conservative churches are secretly applauding but there is no progressive church anywhere close.

    For way too long we all have just gone along even though so many in private disagreed, but, did not say anything for fear of being marked as LIBERAL and ostracized at church and in the community. How many have I known that just quietly shook their heads in disagreement and quietly left. Our watching that happen and not speaking up was wrong of us. It will not happen again!

    There were no progressive churches in most areas to move to, but, that is changing. I am so thankful for those like you and Al Maxey and others that are brave enough to speak up.

    I never thought I would see this progress being made in the Churches of Christ in my lifetime but prayed for it for so many years.

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